Für ausländische Forschende und Kunstschaffende für das akademische Jahr
Die Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft gewährt jährlich Bundes-Exzellenz-Stipendien. Diese Regierungsstipendien fördern den internationalen Austausch und die Forschungszusammenarbeit der Schweiz mit über 180 Ländern. Auswahl und Vergabe erfolgen durch die Eidgenössische Stipendienkommission für ausländische Studierende (ESKAS).
Die Bundes-Exzellenz-Stipendien richten sich an junge ausländische Forschende mit abgeschlossenem Master- oder Doktoratsstudium und an ausländische Kunstschaffende mit abgeschlossenem Bachelorstudium.
Für ein Forschungsstipendium bewerben können sich bereits diplomierte postgraduierte Forschende aller Fakultäten (mindestens mit Masterabschluss), die eine doktorale oder postdoktorale Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Schweiz planen (Forschungsaufenthalt, Doktorat, Postdoktorat).
Forschungsstipendien sind möglich an allen Schweizer Universitäten und Fachhochschulen sowie an den beiden Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschulen und den vier Forschungsanstalten. Gültig sind nur Kandidaturen, die von einer/m akademischen Betreuer/in an der Hochschule in der Schweiz unterstützt werden.
Abbreviated summary. For full details, please refer to the Guidelines for Scholarship Applicants (PDF, 789 kB, 31.07.2024).
- To enable selected applicants to undertake postgraduate research in the realm of their PhD at one of the Swiss public universities, the Swiss federal institutes of technology, the Graduate Institute, the universities of applied sciences, or the public teaching and research institutes.
- Valid for full-time research in Switzerland only.
Target Group
- Highly qualified postgraduate researchers from all academic fields as well as young medical doctors.
- Primarily for scholars who have not already been to Switzerland.
Eligibility Criteria
- Master’s degree or equivalent achieved before 31 July 2025 (except: ETH Zurich: 30 June 2025). Degree certificate completed.
- Applicants must be born after 31 December 1989.
- A research proposal including a timeframe.
- Mandatory letter from an academic host professor (including their short CV).
- Scholarship starts for the academic year 2025-26: 1 September 2025.
- 12 months maximum (starting in September).
- No prolongation possible.
- The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 1’920.-
- The scholarship amount covers the living costs of one person only.
- This scholarship is not a salary.
Selection Criteria
- The candidate: academic profile, research capacity and motivation.
- The research project: originality and methodological soundness.
- The academic context: quality and context of supervision and potential for future academic cooperation.
Contact for further questions
- See the contact address for your country of origin (PDF, 299 kB, 31.07.2024) - this is the country according your passport.
- Check the available scholarship types for your country of origin.
- Check the opening of the call and the submission deadline. Applications submitted too late will not be considered.
To Apply
- Download the application package (ZIP, 2 MB, 31.07.2024) (application forms and templates).
- Fill out and print.
To Submit
- Note: Two paper copies of your application must be submitted.
- Click here (PDF, 299 kB, 31.07.2024) for the e-mail contact that will give you the postal address of your country of origin.
Abbreviated summary. For full details, please refer to the Guidelines for Scholarship Applicants (PDF, 789 kB, 31.07.2024).
- To enable selected applicants to undertake a PhD at one of the Swiss public universities, the Swiss federal institutes of technology or the Graduate Institute.
- Valid for full-time research in Switzerland only.
Target Group
- Highly qualified postgraduate students (possessing the required degrees to start a PhD).
- Primarily for scholars who have not already been to Switzerland.
Eligibility Criteria
- Master’s degree or equivalent university degree achieved before 31 July 2025 (except: ETH Zurich: 30 June 2025). Degree certificate completed.
- Applicants must be born after 31 December 1989.
- A research proposal including a timeframe.
- Mandatory letter from an academic host professor (including their short CV).
- Scholarship starts for the academic year 2025-26: 1 September 2025.
- 12 months (starting in September).
- Prolongable up to 36 months. The scholarship is awarded in three steps of 12 months each based on the achieved academic results.
- The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 1’920.-
- The scholarship amount covers the living costs of one person only.
- This scholarship is not a salary.
Selection Criteria
- The candidate: academic profile, research capacity and motivation.
- The research project: originality and methodological soundness.
- The academic context: quality and context of supervision and potential for future academic cooperation.
Contact for further questions
- See the contact address for your country of origin (PDF, 299 kB, 31.07.2024) - this is the country according your passport.
- Check the available scholarship types for your country of origin.
- Check the opening of the call and the submission deadline. Applications submitted too late will not be considered.
To Apply
- Download the application package (ZIP, 2 MB, 31.07.2024) (application forms and templates).
- Fill out and print.
To Submit
- Note: Two paper copies of your application must be submitted.
- Click here (PDF, 299 kB, 31.07.2024) for the e-mail contact that will give you the postal address of your country of origin.
Abbreviated summary. For full details, please refer to the Guidelines for Scholarship Applicants (PDF, 789 kB, 31.07.2024).
- To enable selected applicants to undertake postdoctoral research at one of the Swiss public universities, the Swiss federal institutes of technology, the Graduate Institute, the universities of applied sciences or the public teaching and research institutes.
- Valid for full-time research in Switzerland only.
Target Group
- Highly qualified early career scientists on postdoctoral level.
- Primarily for scholars who have not already been to Switzerland.
Eligibility Criteria
- PhD degree achieved after 31 December 2021 and before 31 July 2025 (except: ETH Zurich: 30 June 2025). PhD degree certificate completed.
- A research proposal including a timeframe.
- Mandatory letter from an academic host professor (including their short CV).
- Scholarship starts for the academic year 2025-26: 1 September 2025.
- 12 months maximum (starting in September).
- No prolongation possible.
- The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 3’500.-
- The scholarship amount covers the living costs of one person only.
- This scholarship is not a salary.
Selection Criteria
- The candidate: academic profile, research capacity and motivation.
- The research project: originality and methodological soundness.
- The academic context: quality and context of supervision and potential for future academic cooperation.
Contact for further questions
- See the contact address for your country of origin (PDF, 299 kB, 31.07.2024) - this is the country according your passport.
- Check the available scholarship types for your country of origin.
- Check the opening of the call and the submission deadline. Applications submitted too late will not be considered.
To Apply
- Download the application package (ZIP, 2 MB, 31.07.2024) (application forms and templates).
- Fill out and print.
To Submit
- Note: Two paper copies of your application must be submitted.
- Click here (PDF, 299 kB, 31.07.2024)for the e-mail contact that will give you the postal address of your country of origin.
Für ein Kunststipendium bewerben können sich Kunststudierende auf Masterstufe, die ihre erste Masterausbildung in der Schweiz planen.
Kunststipendien sind möglich an allen Schweizer Konservatorien und Kunsthochschulen. Dieses Stipendienangebot gilt für eine beschränkte Anzahl Länder.
Abbreviated summary. For full details, please refer to the Guidelines for Scholarship Applicants (PDF, 789 kB, 31.07.2024).
- To enable selected applicants to undertake initial Master’s studies in Switzerland at any Swiss conservatory or university of the arts.
- Valid for full-time research in Switzerland only.
Target Group
- Highly qualified young artists without Master degree.
- Art scholarships only available to citizens of countries with which Switzerland has a reciprocity agreement for art scholarships.
Eligibility Criteria
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent achieved before 31 July 2025. Degree certificate completed.
- Applicants must be born after 31 December 1989.
- Invalid: All applications for a second master’s degree.
- Scholarship starts for the academic year 2025-26: 1 September 2025.
- 12 months (starting in September).
- Prolongable up to 21 months at most depending on the Master programme chosen and the necessary ECTS credits.
- The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 1'920.-
- The scholarship amount covers the living costs of one person only.
Selection Criteria
- The candidate: artistic profile, qualification and motivation.The submitted portfolio: artistic maturity and potential.
- The host institute: available study places.
Contact for further questions
- See the contact address for your country of origin (PDF, 299 kB, 31.07.2024) - this is the country according your passport.
- Check the available scholarship types for your country of origin.
- Check the opening of the call and the submission deadline. Applications submitted too late will not be considered.
To Apply
- Download the application package (ZIP, 2 MB, 31.07.2024) (application forms and templates).
- Fill out and print.
To Submit
- Note: Two paper copies of your application must be submitted.
- Click here (PDF, 299 kB, 31.07.2024) for the e-mail contact that will give you the postal address of your country of origin.
Veröffentlichung des Stipendienangebots in 180+ Ländern | |
Siehe: www.sbfi.admin.ch/scholarships_de | anfangs August |
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Ausschreibung | |
Download der Bewerbungsunterlagen, Fragen? siehe Kontaktliste |
September |
▼ | |
Bewerbung vorbereiten | |
Formulare, Forschungsgesuch, Unterstützungsbrief, Referenzen |
bis Eingabefrist |
▼ | |
Eingabefrist bei der Schweizer Vertretung | |
Unterschiedliche Daten und Adresse je nach Land | September - Dezember |
▼ | |
Auswahl | |
Durch die Eidgenössische Stipendienkommission (ESKAS) | bis Ende Mai |
▼ | |
Beginn des Stipendiums | |
An einer Schweizer Hochschule | nächsten September |
Wie bewerben?
Wählen Sie Ihr Heimatland entsprechend Ihrem Reisepass aus. Informieren Sie sich über die in Ihrem Land verfügbaren Stipendienarten, Zulassungskriterien und Bewerbungsfristen. Für weitere Informationen und Fragen wenden Sie sich an die in der Kontaktliste angegebene Adresse (PDF, 299 kB, 31.07.2024).
Wählen Sie Ihr Heimatland gemäss Ihrem Reisepass (PDF, 299 kB, 31.07.2024)
Bewerbungsunterlagen (ZIP, 2 MB, 31.07.2024) herunterladen
Lesen Sie den Leitfaden zur Stipendienbewerbung (PDF, 789 kB, 31.07.2024) und befolgen Sie die Anweisungen. Bereiten Sie Ihre Bewerbung vor und reichen Sie fristgerecht zwei vollständige Kopien bei der zuständigen Stelle in Ihrem Heimatland ein.
Die Bewerbungen werden einer ersten Vorauswahl unterzogen durch die zuständigen nationalen Gremien und/oder die schweizerische diplomatische Vertretung. Die ausgewählten Bewerbungen werden anschliessend evaluiert durch die Eidgenössische Stipendienkommission ESKAS, welche die Stipendienvergabe vornimmt.
Die ESKAS beurteilt die Stipendien-Bewerbungen nach folgenden drei inhaltlichen Kriterien:
- Profil des Kandidaten/der Kandidatin
- Qualität des Forschungsprojektes respektive der künstlerischen Arbeit
- Synergien und Potential für die künftige Forschungs-Zusammenarbeit
Die ESKAS ist zusammengesetzt durch Professor/innen aller Schweizer Hochschulen. Die Stipendienvergabe erfolgt auf der Grundlage der wissenschaftlichen Exzellenz.
Die ESKAS informiert die Kandidierenden persönlich über die Vergabe der Stipendien bis spätestens Ende Mai.
Die ESKAS entscheidet bis Ende Mai 2025 über die Stipendienauswahl 2025–2026. Die Stipendienausschreibung für das akademische Jahr 2026–2027 erfolgt online ab August 2025.
Befragung unter ehemaligen Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten
«Stipendien, die das Leben verändern» (PDF, 1 MB, 03.04.2019)Online Befragung von ESKAS Bundesstipendiat/innen der Jahrgänge 1996–2015