Questions concerning specific professions
As of 1.2.2020, the Swiss Red Cross is the only authority responsible for handling the recognition procedure and answering any questions. Please contact this authority
Engineers / Architects
Why do I have to prove that I am registered in the country where I graduated if I want to work in Switzerland?
The diplomas of architect and civil engineer can only be recognized if the holder has an unrestricted licence to practice in his country of origine.
It should be pointed out in this respect that the practice in question - in all cases, including the application of the European Directive - must correspond to the prerogatives of the engineer/architect as conceived in the cantons that regulate the profession. These must not be restricted in terms of the size of the constructions, the techniques used and must necessarily include the full capacity to sign the plans and to assume the risks of the construction project.
Social work
Where do I go to get my university degree in social work from a university in a third country (outside the EU/EFTA) recognised?
The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) is the responsible administration, unless the course of study is suitable for pre-primary and primary education, in which case the EDK is responsible. The content of the training will be decisive for the allocation of competence to assess the dossier.
Where do I go to get my German educational qualification recognised?
The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) is responsible.
Why doesn't my DEES (diplôme d'État d'éducateur spécialisé) correspond to a Bachelor's degree?
The conditions of admission to the French course, its duration and the content of the course differ significantly from the requirements of the bachelor's degree. Moreover, this French diploma does not give direct access to higher education and does not have the grade of licence, unlike the bachelor's degree.
What are the costs of compensatory measures in the field of social work?
The cost depends on the extent of the compensatory measures and the partner institution. Depending on the form of the compensatory measure chosen, the amount can be as high as CHF 3,300.
Can I be exempted from compensatory measures because of my work experience in Switzerland?
Proof that the specific knowledge of the Swiss social system required for the exercise of the professions at tertiary level (e.g. social educator or social worker) has been acquired informally must be demonstrated by work certificates. Professional experience in Switzerland (after the award of the diploma) in the socio-educational field and in the above-mentioned function for at least two years at an employment rate of 80-100% is required. The documents attesting to this professional experience must be submitted at the time of application and will, if necessary, be taken into account in the decision.
Dental Assistant / Medical Assistant / Veterinary Assistant
Where can I get recognition for my training as a prophylaxis assistant?
The profession of dental assistant is known in Switzerland. The training includes the branch of prophylaxis, but is by no means limited to this field. If you have only been trained in prophylaxis, this is not the same profession. In this case, you should undertake the Swiss training.
Where can I take the radiation protection/radiography courses for dental assistants?
Radiology training for dental assistants without a radiography licence
What is the cost of the radiation protection/radiography course for dental assistants?
The cost depends on the training institute. The price of the course is approximately CHF 2,000 to 3,000. The following training centres offer courses, recognised by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), which allow dental assistants to carry out intraoral X-rays: Radiological training for dental assistants without an X-ray licence
How long does the Radiation Protection/Radiography course for dental assistants last?
The course takes place once a year, on seven Saturdays between October and February.
Training in radiology for dental assistants without a licence to radiograph
Education professions
I am a teacher. Can I start a recognition procedure for my diploma with the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)?
No, the competent office is the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK).
Is there a specific level of language knowledge required of teachers?
Yes, a C2 level in the language of the canton of employment is required (C1 for foreign language teachers)
I do not have an academic title as such, is this a problem for the recognition of my teaching title?
The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) is not competent to deal with substantive issues related to the profession in question. Please contact the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK).
In my home country, I am allowed to train apprentices in a company and have the corresponding diploma. Where can I submit my application?
The cantonal VET/PET offices are responsible for recognising this type of diploma. You can find the addresses of the cantonal offices under:
Where can I apply for recognition of my teaching qualification?
Teachers of pre-school (nursery school), primary school, secondary level I, general education at secondary level II (gymnasium) and special education (special needs teaching) apply to the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK).
The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) is responsible for the recognition of teacher training courses in the field of vocational education and training at the upper secondary level (initial vocational training and vocational matriculation, inter-company courses) and at the tertiary level (higher vocational training).
Who can apply for recognition?
In principle, only those who have completed a state or state-recognised teacher training programme in their home country and who hold a state teaching licence may apply for recognition.
What are the requirements for recognition of the (foreign) diploma?
The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SEFRI) checks the following four criteria A, B, C and D in the recognition procedure. These criteria differ according to the vocational education and training categories 1), 2) and 3):
A) Professional experience
B) Professional qualification
C) Professional pedagogical qualification
D) Language qualification
Criteria for 1) Trainers in inter-company courses:
A) two years of professional experience in the field of teaching;
B) specialised training leading to a tertiary degree in the field of teaching;
C) 600 hours of training in vocational pedagogy for a main occupation and 300 hours for a secondary occupation (A secondary teaching occupation is one which is carried out in addition to the main occupation in the corresponding field. The work carried out in the main profession corresponds to at least half the weekly working time);
D) language diploma at C2 level (de/fr/it).
Criteria for 2) Teachers in initial vocational training:
A) six months' professional experience (100%) or apprenticeship;
B) specialised training leading to a tertiary-level diploma in the field of teaching;
C) training in vocational pedagogy at a state-recognised university of 300 hours for a secondary occupation or 1800 hours for a main occupation (1800 hours of training in vocational pedagogy are required for teaching leading to the vocational baccalaureate);
D) language diploma at C2 level (de/fr/it).
Criteria for 3) Teachers in higher education institutions:
A) no professional experience requirements;
B) specialised training attested by a tertiary degree in the field they teach;
C) 1800 hours of training for a main occupation and 300 hours for an secondary occupation;
D) C2 level language diploma (de/fr/it).
Caregivers of elderly people
What do I have to do to get my German diploma as a senior carer recognised in Switzerland?
An application for recognition must be submitted to the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) Since 1 January 2014, the title has been compared with the Federal Certificate of Competence in Social Work (FKC) for the care of the elderly.
The explanatory note describes the recognition procedure and the various possibilities offered in the Swiss training system.
Informationsnotiz: Altenpflegerinnen/Altenpflegern (german)
Mountain Guides and Mountain leaders
Which diploma is recognised as a "mountain guide"?
The following are considered to be equivalent to a Federal Professional Education and Training Diploma as a Mountain Guide (Federal PET Diploma):
A. licences issued under previous laws in accordance with Annex 4 number 1 SR 935.911 - Ordinance of 30 January 2019 on Mountain Guides and Organisers of Other Risky Activities (Ordinance on Risky Activities), if the holder can demonstrate that he or she has pursued the activity regularly and has completed sufficient further training;
A diploma as an international mountain guide recognised by the International Federation of Mountain Guide Associations (IFMGA).
Which diploma is recognised as a mountain leader?
An International Mountain Leader (IML) qualification recognised by the Union of International Mountain Leader Associations (UIMLA) SR 935.911 - Ordinance of 30 January 2019 on Mountain Guides and Organisers of Other Risky Activities (Ordinance on Risky Activities),
Holders of the UIMLA and UIAGM cards can apply directly to the canton where the profession is practised (written request accompanied by the professional card).