Eurostars - A Joint Swiss Danish Impact Study

Eurostars The International Programme for Research Intensive SMEs - A Joint Swiss Danish Impact Study
Language: English
Year: 2019
Publisher: SERI et al.

The European funding programme Eurostars, in which Switzer-land also takes part, enables small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to work with partner companies or research teams to de-velop their products or services in an international environment. The study examined participation by companies from Denmark and Switzerland in the Eurostars programme. Commissioned by the Danish authorities and SERI, the study shows that between 2008 and 2018, there were approximately 400 instances of partic-ipation by companies and research institutes based in Switzerland and around 350 instances of participation by companies based in Denmark. The Eurostars programme mainly tends to draw interest from small innovative start-up companies.