VET/PET research generates knowledge that can serve as the basis for the development and management of the VET/PET system in Switzerland.
SERI funding is intended to support the development of nationally and internationally recognised research activities, which may later be included in existing national grant funding mechanisms. SERI funding is also intended to guide research questions, preserve scientific independence, maintain excellence in research and bring about long-term improvements to human and structural research capacities.
In order to achieve this objective, SERI uses two instruments to support VET/PET research:
- SERI has established Leading Houses at universities. Each Leading House conducts research devoted to a specific theme relating to the VET/PET system. Leading Houses serve as competence networks and the various research projects are coordinated by a university chair
- Where needed, SERI sponsors individual research projects devoted to a clearly delimited subject. Individual research projects examine questions and innovative aspects relating to the VET/PET system that are not addressed by Leading House research projects.
All SERI-sponsored research projects are recorded in the ARAMIS Database.