Projects relating to this thematic area focus on the transition from lower-secondary to upper-secondary (transition I) and the transition from education and training to working life (transition II).
Prof. Dr. Caroline Sahli Lozano
Prof. Dr. Markus Neuenschwander
Prof. Dr. Rolf Becker
Prof. Dr. Rolf Becker, University of Bern
Keywords: (german) Berufsausbildung, Mehrfachausbildung, Ausbildungsabschluss, Signal- und Filterprozesse, Arbeitsmarkt, Bildungsarmut, Migrationshintergrund.
Prof. Dr. Markus P. Neuenschwander
Prof. Dr. Kurt Häfeli, Dr. Claudia Hofmann (HfH)
Dr. Barbara Duc, Dr. Nadia Lamamra (SFIVET)
Prof. Dr. Markus Neuenschwander, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
Keywords: Transitions I and II; individual decisions regarding VET and/or PET; Institutional selection processes
Prof. Dr. Kurt Häfeli, Intercantonal College for Therapeutic Pedagogy (HfH)
Keywords: Long-term study of career and education paths starting from age 15; risk and protective factors associated with career development
Dr. Simone Tuor Sartore, University of Zurich
Keywords: Comparison of various education and training pathways: exclusively academic and exclusively vocational compared to a mixture of both; occupational success factors
Prof. Dr. Franz Baeriswyl, University of Fribourg (CH)
Keywords: Transition II; VET programmes in commerce; qualification procedures; cognitive skills and personality traits as determinants of successful entry into occupation
Prof. Dr. Rolf Becker, University of Bern
Keywords: Transition I; decision-making process in selection of education and training; Influence of supply side of apprenticeship and labour market
Prof. Dr. Rolf Becker, University of Bern
Keywords: Transition I; decision-making process in selection of education and training; Influence of supply side of apprenticeship and labour market
Prof. Dr. Markus Neuenschwander, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
Keywords: Transition I; success and risk factors associated with occupational socialisation
Prof. Jean-Luc Gurtner, University of Fribourg, and Prof. Stephan Schumann, University of Konstanz
Keywords: Early termination of apprenticeship contracts from host company’s perspective; Best practice host companies; apprenticeship in cooking; apprenticeship in painting
Prof. Dr. Markus Neuenschwander, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
Keywords: Transitions I and II; individual decisions regarding VET and/or PET; Institutional selection processes
Prof. Dr. Kurt Häfeli, Intercantonal College for Therapeutic Pedagogy (HfH)
Keywords: Long-term study of career and education paths starting from age 15; risk and protective factors associated with career development
Gemeinsames Buchprojekt Transitionsforschung
Kurt Häfeli, Markus P. Neuenschwander, Stephan Schumann