Leading Houses

Leading Houses contribute to the sustainable development of VET/PET research in Switzerland. Coordinated by one or more Swiss university chairs, each Leading House serves as a competence network and conducts research under the terms of a service level agreement with SERI.

Each Leading House is responsible for the following:

  • Conducting research relating to a specific VET/PET theme:
    Leading Houses are established for the purpose of conducting research relating to a specific VET/PET theme. This research enables conceptual gaps in VET/PET research to be filled and serves the needs of VET/PET policymakers and professionals.
  • Fostering the next generation of researchers:
    Leading Houses work to foster the next generation of researchers. Junior researchers are assigned to work on research projects. They are mentored by the Leading House and then recruited to continue working in the VET/PET field where possible.
  • Building national and international networks:
    Leading Houses establish and maintain national and international networks. This is done by having junior researchers become involved in VET/PET research projects and by playing an active role in conferences and workshops.
  • Making use of research findings:
    Leading Houses disseminate their research findings in publications, conferences and workshops. The aim is to ensure that research findings may be applied in the field by VET and PET professionals. Here, Leading Houses may also take the initiative.

Leading Houses
