Factors determining the choice of occupation and the likelihood of completing a chosen VET programme (DAB II)

University of Bern, Institute of Educational Science (IfE)

Lead researcher: Prof. Dr. Rolf Becker

Duration: 01.07.2014 - 30.06.2015

Following the first part of the DAB panel study project (Factors determining the choice of occupation and the likelihood of completing a chosen VET programme), the second part of the project is now looking at whether students were able to follow through on their career aspirations and intentions after completion of compulsory education. The main focus is on analysing to what extent young people were able to take up their chosen occupation after leaving school and whether any of them had to take a different course. Of particular interest are the individual restricting factors that may influence this, e.g. gender, social background, migrant background and type of school attended at lower secondary level, as well as structural factors at regional level.

In the second part of the project, the participants in the first part of the project where again surveyed 15 months after leaving school (October/November 2014), using a combination of online tools and Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI). In the fourth survey, a total of 2,200 young people in the German-speaking part of Switzerland were asked about their choice of post-compulsory education and about their current situation. This corresponds to a response rate of 84% of all young people who were asked to take part in the fourth survey.


Project description (german)

Factors determining the choice of occupation and the likelihood of completing a chosen VET programme (DAB I)
