The leading house is the Institut für Wirtschaftspädagogik at the University of St. Gallen. Under the direction of Prof. Dieter Euler, it focuses on didactic approaches to enhance and test the social competences of students.
«Social competences» as a didactic construct
This project aims to develop a theory-based model to define this didactic construct in terms of both a learning target and diagnostic tool. In addition, an analysis of the literature will pinpoint the relevant scientific approaches and integrate them within a model framework.
Social competences as a theoretical principle of the vocational education curriculum
This project examined to what extent and how social competences are enshrined in ordinances on VET. The syllabi and framework curricula of 22 professions were analysed in terms of their social communication content.
Assessing social competences
This project formulated questionnaires for students’ self-assessment of their «conflict resolution skills» and «communication skills within teams». An evaluation of their responses led to the development of a competence profile, which charts the strengths and weaknesses for each field of competence.